Ernst Thaelmann memorial at the Ernst-Thaelmann-Platz in
Hamburg is now the only public institution that remembers the in 1944 murdered
chairman of the Communist Party of Germany. On their own premises the memorial
shows a permanent collection and organizes events to Ernst Thaelmann and the
history of the communist, social democratic and trade union workers' movement
in 32 showcases. There is also an extensive archive and a several
thousand-volume library. The memorial is operated solely by volunteers. It
receives no grants from federal, state or local authorities, but the operation
of the memorial is not free.
a permanent security of this unique institution in Germany we need the memorial
sponsors who support the association to maintain the Memorial financially.
Information on the memorial, their history and their positions, photos and
event information are available on the internet under:
member counts! Therefore: send your
details to:
Förderverein zum Erhalt der
Gedenkstätte Ernst Thälmann e.V.
Tarpenbekstraße 66
20251 Hamburg
Or by E-Mail:
make a donation:
Foerderverein GET e.V.
IBAN: DE48 2005 0550 1234 1242 51